Ugly Pancake’s 1st Comedy Festival
Run Time: 180 min.
The 1st Ugly Pancake Comedy Festival kicks off Fri November 10th at Wild Air Beerworks in Asbury Park (corner 2nd Ave and Main St) w/ our Showcase featuring 10 comics at 8pm! Must be 21 to attend.
It continues on Sat at noon w the Mid-Day Mic at the Jersey Shore Arts Center (FREE to public)! Comics: 12 spots filled, 3 spots chosen at random at show!
Back to Asbury Park at 8pm for The Main Event at The Showroon, 707 Cookman Ave, AP, starring: THE GARDEN STATE GUYZ (Ricky Ramesses, Dan Farley, Joe Borzotta, Angelo Gingerelli)! RAY GOOTZ (Carolines, ViceTV, Sirius)! and hosted by RORO ANTONUCCIO! (These shows contain Adult Content, no kiddies!). Festival t-shirts available at all shows $12!
Showcase – $10, or Main Event – $15
Write UglyPancakeComedy@gmail.com or call 201-981-2395.
Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-1st-ugly-pancake-comedy-festival-tickets-735445135197